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Minutes for the October 5, 2021 - Council Meeting

Council Meeting

October 5, 2021

6:00 p.m

Town Hall

101 W North Street

Present: Council President: Michael Johnson Other:

Council Vice President: Cameron Emond Leslie Benyon

Council Member: Jerry Lietz Michelle Earney

Council Member: Rex Pearson Sandra Gloss

Council Member: Darwin Miller Tom Bennett

Utility Clerk: Breanna Wood George Blissett

Clerk Treasurer: Pamela Bennett Janell Hofstetter

Town Marshal: James Herre Rick Bennett

Town Attorney Jacob Ahler Michel Marchand

Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas Misty Herre

Wastewater Superintendent: John Emond Robert Bellucci

Fire Chief: Kenneth Burns Debbie Holder

Deputy Marshal: Wayne Winkler Jared Baer

Betty Hoster

Council President Michael Johnson opened the Council Meeting with the Pledge to the flag.

Wastewater Superintendent John Emond reported that the Wastewater Plant project is moving forward smoothly.

Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that everything is running good at the Water Plant. Robert also stated that two streets in town have been re-paved and that the extra asphalt was used to fill in pot holes by the gas station.

Town Marshal James Herre presented his monthly report.

The Wolcott Ambulance department would like to remind all residents to put their house numbers up on their houses.

Fire chief Kenneth Burns reported that the Fire Department had to repair an exhaust fan.

Michael Johnson reported on behalf of White County Economic Development that there will be a Welcome Home event for some veterans on October 16th in Monticello.

George Blissett reported that the Mainstreet Oktoberfest went well. George also stated that they will be doing it again next year.

Town Attorney Jacob Ahler announced that the contract allowing Comcast to do work in Wolcott, has been revised.

Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett requested permission from the Council for her and Deputy Clerk, Abigail Ewen, to go to a conference in November. The office will be closed during these days. After little discussion, Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to allow Pam and Abby to go to conference. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council Member Darwin Miller asked Town Marshal James Herre if a previous discussion about a dog running around Town has been resolved. James clarified that the situation has been dealt with.

Council President Michael Johnson presented the August 2021 Minutes for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the August minutes. Council Vice President Cameron Emond second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Robert Bellucci presented an update to the Council. Rob announced that the Dollar General project, as well as the hydrant project, would all be completed by the end of the week. Rob also presented a payment of $317,227.28, for the construction company out at the Wastewater Plant, for approval. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the payment. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson reported that Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett and himself had met with Ken Smith to discuss TIF Districts. After some discussion, Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to pursue the TIF District that was presented. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Resident, Debbie Holder, informed the Council that she had been using her own water to water the flowers in the flower pots, along the highway. Debbie then asked the Council if it would be possible to give her an adjustment on her bill. The Council agreed and told Debbie that they would allow her to use the Town’s water to water the flowers next summer. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to give Debbie a bill adjustment. Council Vice President Cameron Emond second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

A concerned resident brought up the fact that their elderly neighbor needs some help taking care of their yard. The yard is being overtaken by weeds and overgrown grass. The Council then discussed asking for volunteers to help clean up the yard. Council President Michal Johnson stated that they would call Tri-County High School and alert the principal that seniors could use this opportunity as a way of getting their community hours.

Council President Michael Johnson read Ordinance 2021-15 for approval. After some mistakes were found in the Ordinance, the Council decided to table the Ordinance until it is fixed.

Council President Michael Johnson read Resolution 2021-16 for approval. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-16. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson read the agreement between the Town of Wolcott and Comcast to allow Comcast to do work in town. The agreement states that Comcast will be responsible for any damages done by them. Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to approve the agreement. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Council President Michael Johnson brought up the possibility of ending the live streamed meetings on Facebook, since the meetings are open to the public. The Town of Wolcott does not own the Wolcott, Indiana page on Facebook. Utility Clerk Breanna Wood stated that she will continue to take videos of the meetings and try to upload them to the Town website, as an alternative. After little discussion, the Council agreed to end the live stream.

A resident brought to the Council’s attention that there are many dead trees in town that need taken care of. The resident expressed concern over the fact that these trees could fall and damage property and/or hurt someone.

Another resident asked the Council if they receive monthly financial reports, and if not, why? The resident was told that Council does receive monthly reports, but some members admitted that they do not really pay attention to the reports sometimes. After much discussion, it was decided that moving forward, the Council will vote to approve monthly financial reports.

Fire Chief Kenneth Burns announced that Fire Prevention Week is coming up and that the Fire Department will be visiting the school.

Council Vice President Cameron Emond made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

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