Town of Wolcott Council Minutes
September 19,2023
6:00 p.m.
Town Hall
101 W North St.
Present: Alen McCloskey, Ken Smith, Darwin Miller, Rex Pearson, Michael Johnson, Jared Baer, Larry Klink, Janet Gross, Breanna Plantenga, Betty Hoster, Steve Young, Harrison Yelton, Randy Strasser, Kenny Burns, Janel Hofstetter, Cameron Emond, Pam Bennett, and Rick Bennett.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Water Rates: Second reading of Ordinance
Adopt Budget: Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to adopt the 2024 budget. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Closed Public hearing
Open Council Meeting:
Approve minutes or memoranda:
Approve the Financials:
1. Department Heads reports:
Robert Thomas: Water/Street-CommonWealth is coming to adjust the back flow so that the amount of iron that is going through will be diminished. Brock Bushman is putting in the new fire hydrants and taking out the dead fire hydrants.
Marshal Baer: Town Marshal- Jared asked about the manholes that are sticking up to far from the new streets being put in. Ken Smith said that they have a list of things that need to be fixed.
Lori Bussell: Park Board-No Report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-No report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-No Report.
Sandy Miller: RWCDC No Report
Janell Hofstetter: KIRPC-No report
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-Introduced Randy Strasser as the new WCEDC director.
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- renewable energy- The committee got a lot of information on the subject. There will be a vote in Nov about renewable energy and then it will go to the Commissioners.
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- Chicken noodle dinner Sept 30 @ the Wolcott Café 5-8. The mannequins will be put out just before Halloween.
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer-No Report
Old Business:
Ken Smith: Project update and tree removal- Ken asked if the contractor, resident or town is going to pay for the tree removal? After a little discussion it was decided to table until next meeting. Ken is working on a list of repairs that need to be done. Repairs will be done by the next meeting.
New Business:
Alan McCloskey: Insurance and Clinic. There is a new clinic in Monticello called Verne Health. Mr. McCloskey presented the clinic plan. It is $75.00 per employee. Most meds and labs are free to the members. There is no cost to go to see a provider.
Close streets for WCC street fair: Sept 24- Pam Asked if 2nd street could be blocked off for the Wolcott Christian Church Street fair. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to block off 2nd street. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Trick or Treat: Trick or treat will be held 6-8 of the 31st. Council member Darwin Miller made the motion to have trick or treat on the 31st from 6-8. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Council President Cameron Emond asked Clerk-Treasurer Pam Bennett if the permit for the Compost bin had come in. Pam has not seen a permit come through. Cameron is going to call area plan’s Jenilynne Hall to see where the Permit stood. Council Member Michael Johnson asked if the project had been advertised. This project was not advertised, which led to a very heated discussion. It was decided that SBOA needed to be called for some clarification.
Resident’s comments: