Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
May 3,2022
6:00 p.m.
Present: Absent:
Cameron Emond Pamela Bennett
Jerry Lietz
Michael Johnson
Darwin Miller
Rex Pearson
Breanna Wood
Abby Ewen
Jacob Ahler
Kelly Gardner
Chad Reynolds
Darrel Orans
Marilyn Maxwell
George Blissett
George Mathews
Michelle Earney
Robert Bellucci
Jeff Province
Mark Bachman
Kenneth Burns
Margaret Duffy
Jaceb Baer
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Public Meeting:
KIRPC: Wolcott Comprehensive Plan Planning Grant.
Adjourn Public Meeting
Council Meeting:
Approve minutes or memoranda of the following meetings:
April 4,5,6 and 19,2022
Approve the Financials for April 2022
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater-
Robert Thomas: Water/Street-
Marshal Herre: Town Marshal-
Lori Bussell: Park Board-
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- Served 147 people/ 41 cars
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC-
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee-
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee-
George Blissett: Main St Committee-
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney-
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Clerk Institute, Michigan City, June 12-16
Old Business:
Robert Bellucci CommonWealth: Water Utility Summary:
Ø WM installation to DG is complete and has passed all bacteriological testing.
Ø Service line reconnections, inclusive of the 2-inch tap to Farney to commence the week of 5-9-22.
Ø Cut and cap of the old 2-inch line previously feeding the DG will occur at the same time service line crew is mobilized to the site.
Ø Upon completion of the service line work; crew will initiate hydrant relocation activities.
Ø No PPA this month from KDM.
Ø Regarding Janell’s property, we need formal direction from the Town Council to remove (or relocate) the new hydrant previously installed on her property.
WWTP Summary:
Ø Ongoing construction activities at the site.
Ø Ongoing coordination with Utility staff, testing lab, and landfill to get sludge bags hauled off and replaced.
Ø Next construction meeting is 10am tomorrow morning at Town Hall.
Ø Ongoing coordination with farmer regarding easement access to the existing effluent / outfall sewer (our scope requires replacement of that line).
Ø Contractor PPA #11 = $294,569.87 requires approval from the Council so we can send to the County for their approval and payment (see attached).
Ø CEI Invoice 52260 for RPR, O&M Manual Assembly, Construction Engineering, and Survey = $36,231.63 requires approval from the Council so we can send to the County for their approval and payment (see attached).
Alliance Rural Water: Update on Jeff’s internship.
Bob Thomas’s raise of 5%.
New Business:
Utility Rate Tax: Hiring Baker-Tilly to help with this tax cut and rate study
Salary Ordinance Amendment: Essential worker’s bonus.
Residents Comments and Questions: