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July 5, 2022 - Council Meeting

Present: Absent:

Cameron Emond Jacob Ahler Darwin Miller

Jerry Lietz Pamela Bennett

Rex Pearson Breanna Wood

Michael Johnson Jeff Province

Robert Thomas Kenny Burns

Daryl Orns Jerrilyn Hall

George Matthew Mark Bachman

Larry Klink

Open with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Council Meeting:

Approve the Financials for May and June 2022 Council President Cameron Emond

asked a couple of questions. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz asked why we are paying to board a dog. Marshal Baer answered Jerry’s question and made the statement that we need a kennel here in town.

1. Department Head reports:

Robert Thomas: Water/Street-Had the filters worked on and they are working good now.

Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal-The new evidence locker is finished. Added a couple of cameras at

the Townhall. The Clerk’s office has access to the camera

Lori Bussell: Park Board- No Report

Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-Needs house numbers on houses

Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-No Report

Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry-No report

Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC-No Meeting

Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-A food company has inquired about building at the Industrial Parkway. New

Windmills are going up on US 16.

Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee-No Report

Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- Festival was a success. Starting to plan for next year

George Blissett: Main St Committee- No report

Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- Janell Hofstetter Property. There was a question asked about how the

Council feels about removing or moving the hydrant. Every Council Member said they would like to have

the lines and hydrant removed from her property. Council Vice President jerry Lietz made the motion to remove the lines, Hydrant and restore the ground. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Janell is concerned about the lack of communication. Jacob told Janell that he is not at liberty to talk to her.

All Communication has to go through her attorney. Jacob said that he will get ahold of Janell’s attorney and

Get a time to get the lines and hydrant removed. The ground will be restored as well.

Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- House bill 1245. We are no longer allowed to charge tap fees for residents. There will be a developmental fee of 5000.00 or cost to put hook up the Sewer or water lines.

Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to start charging a developmental fee. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

It is time to raise the water deposit. Pamela suggested that Renter’s deposit should be $300.00. Homeowners water deposit will be $200.00. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to raise the deposit rates. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Old Business:

Robert Bellucci Commonwealth: I have a PPA for TCI and monthly invoice that will need Town approval. WWTP Construction meeting is tomorrow. Change Order No 1 is being drafted.

Rob still needs to meet with F&K to get their price for finishing the WM tie in between Farney and Janell. That quote will also include the remaining hydrants and removal of the line and hydrant on Janell’s property (assuming the Town formally approves tonight).

Startups at the WWTP going well and we are transitioning to demo of the old plant.

PO #13 for $232,664.50. Invoice Commonwealth $16319.51

Council member Michael Johnson made the motion to pay both invoices. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Change order #1 in the amount of $71,764.28. Demolition of the old building at $170,000.00.

Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve Change order #1 and the demolition of the old building. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Rob would like to have another meeting this month to approve an invoice from KDM.

TIF: The Committee has had one meeting. There will be more meetings scheduled.

Baker-Tilley: We need to hire them to do a rate study done for the URT changes. After a little discussion, Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to have a rate study done. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

New Business:

Jerrilyn Hall Area Plan: Amend Ordinance #A70. After the reading of the changes, Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the amendment. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Amend ordinance #A7. After the reading of the changes, Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to Approve the Amendment. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Comprehensive Planning Committee: Representing the Town Council, Council President Cameron Emond, Representing Business owners, Roots and Eatery Owner Amber Farrington. Representing Residents of Wolcott, Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett. Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to approve the Committee Members. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Windmill agreement for the town: After a little discussion, it was decided that this is not good for the Town and its Residents. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to not accept the agreement with the town. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0

Mark Bachman: Thanked Bob Thomas for finding the issue with his water and getting it fixed.

Marshal Jared Baer: Marshal has hired two part time Deputy’s. Deputy Aaron Page and Matt Powell.

He would like to change the amount a part time Deputy can make. He would like to make it $19.00-23.00.

Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to change the rate. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

George Matthew Resident: Would like signs at both ends of Homer Lane. Bob will take care of this issue.

Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to adjourn. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion 4-0

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