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July 18, 2023 - Council Meeting

July 18,2023

6:00 p.m.

Town Hall

101 W North St.

Absent: Jerry Lietz

Present: Mrs. George Matthew, George Matthew, Janet Gross, Larry Klink, Marilyn Maxwell, Leary Williamson, Judy Thomas, Sharon Allie, Betty Hoster, Steve Young, Jennilyn Kyburz, Dawin Miller, Rex Pearson, Ken Smith, Jenel Hofstetter, Harrington Yelton, Cameron Emond, Rick Bennett, Jeff Province, Kenny Burns, Bob Gerber, Karen Deno and Karen Evans. Martha Young, Margo Duffy, Loren Brake and Sara Anliker

Opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Approve the Financials: June 2023 Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the minutes, Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

1. Department Heads reports:

Robert Thomas: Water/Street-Everything is well.

Marshal Baer: Town Marshal-No Report

Lori Bussell: Park Board-No Report

Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-Trying to get a CPR class for the public. Will let us know.

Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-

Sandy Miller: RWCDC- No Report

Janell Hofstetter: KIRPC-No Report

Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-No Report

Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee-No Report

Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee-No Report

Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- There will be a computer recycling at the Bank of Wolcott. They will be taking up donations to help with the Community Center. The Wolcott Main Street Committee will be hosting a chicken noodle dinner at the Wolcott Café on September 30th from 5-8.

Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report

Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Suggested that the Council set up a meeting with the Commissioners to

Discuss the short fall that the town is getting from the lost revenue from the commerce park. To see if there

Is a way that they can help us. Pamela went on to say that they could maybe pay half or all our bond to

Help with the loss of revenue. Council Member Michael Johnson suggested that we also make an appointment with the White County Economic Development to see if there is some way that they could help as well.

Budget is going extremely well, and it will be passed and adopted in September.

Pamela will be on vacation from Aug 6-14.

Old Business:

Bids for paving approval: Town and Country $680,019.25 Central Paving 1,023,907.25. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to accept Town and Country bid of $680,019.25. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0

BSM- Right of way at 1532 900 W It was decided to give permission to BSM to put cable down 900 W.

Cowboy invoice: Amount 9,022.00 to come out of Capital Outlays. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay the invoice for Cowboy Excavating. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0

F&K invoice: Amount of $63,425.00 40,000.00 to come out of Local Roads, 23,425.00 to come out of MVH repairs and Maintenance. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay the invoice for F&K. Council member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0

New Business:

Jennilyn Kyburz WCAP: Subdivision and Zoning. Amendments A-73, SA-8 and N7-AK Were presented.

Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the Amendments. Council Member Darwin Miller seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0

Annex in INARNI and Dollar General: It was discussed that since INARI and Dollar General are using town utilities it would be great if they would volunteer to be annexed into town limits. After very little discussion, Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to turn this over to Attorney Jacob Ahler to begin the process. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0

Resident’s comments:

Resident Sara Anifer: Sara would like to start a farmers’ market at the park in 2024. The Council said that is a great idea. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion that it would be a good idea to have a farmers’ market. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Sara will have to talk to the park board now.

Water rates: The water rates are going to be discussed in a workshop meeting on Aug 2.

Resident Karen Evans: Water rates. What is the truth? The truth is that Baker-Tilley “suggested” that we raise the Rates by 75%. Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett explained that it is only a suggestion. She can’t see that the council would raise the rates that high. Pamela also explained that she and the council sure don’t want their water to raise that much as well.

Resident Karen Deno: Karen wanted to know what was going on with the Golf Carts. Why they can’t ride on the sidewalks. It was explained that the pedestrians were complaining that Golf Carts were not stopping for them to go on through. Resident Betty Hoster asked how Darwin will get to another street without going on the sidewalk. Council President Cameron Emond did explain that Darwin can go on the sidewalk to the closest street from his to get off the sidewalks.

Resident George Matthew: Asked when he is going to get the street signs on the end of his lane. It was explained to him that they are being ordered. Resident Betty Hoster said that she would like to see slow signs on some of the town streets. Especially at the corner of North and Davis where kids are always playing.

Council President Cameron Emond adjourned.

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