Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
Jan 17 ,2023
6:00 p.m.
Michael Johnson
Jerry Lietz
Darwin Miller
Rex Pearson
Cameron Emond
Pam Bennett
Kenny Burns
Wayne Winkler
Bob Thomas
Sondra Gloss
Larry Klink
Tom Bennett
Michelle Earney
Janet Gross
George Mathew
Janelle Hofstetter
Council Meeting:
Open with the pledge to the flag.
Approve December 2022 Financials: Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the financials. Council Member Michael second the motion to approve. Motion carried 4-0
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- No Report
Robert Thomas: Water/Street-No Report
Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal-No Report
Lori Bussell: Park Board-No Report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry-
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC-
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- Last food give away is Jan 3,2023. Michael is asking why they took away
$2400.00 from White County Economic Development. Council President Cameron Emond said They
Were taking in account that the County took the water away from us at the Commerce Park
Michael said that he is disappointed in the Council for Voting on important issues in Dec With the death of
Nick and Council Member Rex Pearson not being present either. He also feels that they should of waited
On him and Rex. Council President Cameron Emond told Michael that when he asked that it be set up
this way it was Because I was going To Spain and wanted to take care of the important things so the January
meeting Wouldn’t be long.” Resident Janet Gross asked if the Dec meeting was advertised.
Clerk-Treasurer Pam Bennett assured Ms. Gross that it was advertised. Council Member Darwin Miller
compared this incident as voting on the Budget while he was in the hospital. It was then explained that the
budget has a deadline to follow.
Jerry Lietz Area Plan Committee-There will be a meeting January 19,2023. They are working on
Sud division guidelines. There will also be Residential TIF changes. They are wanting the Residential
TIF to give a percentage of the monies to the School Corporations.
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- Michelle asked the Council why they cut her donations
From $5000.00 to $2000.00. Council Member Darwin Miller said he thought $1000.00 was not enough
Cameron said $2000.00. That was the way it was voted.
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- Christmas decorations are down and stored. Scrapping the
Windows Downtown. Greg Schnieder said that we need to put covers on the outlets of the street lights.
Clerk-Treasurer Pam Bennett for Darwin to get an estimate as what it would cost to get this done.
Resident Janet Gross asked how the financials broke down. Darwin said come to the meeting the 1st
Thursday of the month and she could see them.
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- No Report
Old Business:
According to USDA we have $33,639.98 remaining to use toward a final change order for building improvements. KIRPC indicated they have $13,962.82 of combined County / EDA monies to apply toward the final change order. What I am not sure of is whether or not the EDA / County monies are included in David’s total or additive. I sent both agencies an email earlier this morning requesting clarification.
In TCI’s proposal they have priced the following additional work:
Ø New cabinets and counter tops and demo existing = $30,950.00
Ø Painting ceilings, walls, doors, door frames, and window frames = $23,800
Ø Epoxy coating the floor = $9,400
There will be misc. mark-ups for subs (5%), small tools (5%), labor (5%), insurance (1%), and bonding (1%) which get added to the above totals. We need to decide how best to spend the remaining funds. If we only have the $33k +/- then you will need to pick either painting or new cabinets. If the total available is closer to $46k +/- (meaning the EDA-County funds are in addition to the RD funds), then we could do the floor and the cabinets. As soon as I receive confirmation.
Ken Smith: Mr. Smith gave the estimate for the streets. The streets are a total of $903,808.00
Council Member Darwin Miller asked if 3rd street was on the list. Council President Cameron Emond
Said not this go around. That they would look at it at the fall Distribution.
Pocket Park: Appraised for $2300.00 There is an offer of $10000.00. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to sell the Pocket Park for $10000.00. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion passed 4-0
Resident Tom Bennett: He asked the Council why everyone except for the Clerk-Treasurer got an essential workers bonus. Council Member Jerry Lietz said It is of his opinion that he doesn’t think that elected officials should get the Bonus’. Mr. Bennett asked him if he every left a job without a raise or any kind of Bonus. Council Member Jerry Lietz reiterated his opinion. Council Member Darwin Miller said that he hasn’t had a raise at his regular job for 9 years. Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett said you got a raise from the town. Resident Sondra Gloss asked if there was any way of giving the Ambulance and Fire departments more money since they were the ones affected by the pandemic the most.
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to give the Ambulance and Fire $10,000.00 each.
Give the Clerk-Treasurer $6000.00 to be spread out over a year. Council Member Rex Pearson second that motion. Motion carried 3-1 Council Member Darwin Miller abstained.
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to adjourn. Council Member Michael Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0