Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
Feb 7,2023
6:00 p.m.
Present Absent
Rex Pearson Cameron Emond
Darwin Miller
Jerry Lietz
Michael Johnson
Pam Bennett
Jacob Ahler
Randy Mitchell
Sandy Miller
Shawn Cain
Janell Hoffstetter
Marilyn Maxwell
Michelle Earney
Breanna Wood
Jarod Baer
Sondra Gloss
Betty Hoster
Steve Young
Bob Thomas
Jeff Province
Lilly Miller
Becca Brooks
Ellie Scheitlin
Tyson Jordan
Tyson Stoller
JP Schemerhorn
Kenneth Burns
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Council Meeting:
Council Member Michael Johnson asked Town Attorney Jacob Ahler if the Dec 20th meeting was
Right because there was only 3 Council Member present. They voted on somethings that should have waited until the first meeting in Jan. He went on to ask why the yearly business was done at the last
Meeting of the month. He was told it was because Council President Cameron Emond was going to be gone. Council Member Michael Johson said that he felt like it was wrong because him nor Council Member Rex Pearson was not in attendance.
Approve minutes or memoranda of the following meetings: Nov 2022, Dec 2022 and Jan 2023: Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion to approve. Motion carried 3-1 Council Member Michael Johnson abstained from the Dec 20 minutes due to being absent.
There were questions on the Jan minutes about the Pocket Park. Shawn Cain KIRCP representative explained what the grant allows. The pocket park can not be sold until Feb 14,2024. If we proceed with the sell, there will be federal repercussions. The Town would have to pay back over $30,000.00. Town Attorney Jacob Ahler advised that they not move forward.
Minutes: Vice President Jerry Lietz ask Town Attorney Jacob Ahler if the minutes had to be approved at every meeting. Jacob said that it is good practice that they be but doesn’t have to be. As long as “Approve Minutes” is on the agenda if you approve any minutes or not. He went on to say there is not time limits on the minutes so they don’t have to be done every meeting.
Approve the Financials:
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater-Change order 3 is in process. Change order 4 is for the Cabinets and floor. The town needs a new mower. Jeff got a quote for 13,744.00 for a new one. The Council wants to keep the John Deere and get it fixed. After much discussion Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to buy the new Mower with funds coming out of Water, Wastewater and street funds. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Robert Thomas: Water/Street- IDEM inspection had minor infractions. Have to move a the sampling tap
down to the other end of the building.
Marshal Baer: Town Marshal- Marshal Herre’s old car is in need of repairs it is in the shop now.
Lori Bussell: Park Board- No report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director- No Report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department- No Report
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- Sandy gave the final report on the Food Pantry. In the year of
The pantry being open. There were 608 boxes handed out, Residents served were 1510.
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC- Working on a block grant and with IDDC for placing and art.
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- There were 4-5 leads for factories in the Commerce Park. They are not
Coming due to either not enough land or needing to many workers. New Business’s in Monticello Papa
Johns Pizza employees 23, quilting bee, New beginning cable, and Jameson Battery.
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- This month the committee discussed Affordable housing and TIF
Residential. There will be some changes coming soon to these two issues
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- Working on the sign for us 24.
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- ask Jacob if he would represent them on the Civil case that
They need to file. He said he would pro bono for them. They are in the planning stage of doing some
Fun things around town. Will be presented soon
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Close the Water Construction Bank account. Council Member
Michael Johnson made the motion to close the account. Council Member Darwin Miller second the
motion. Motion carried 3-0
Presented a transfer of funds Resolution 2023-2-7 for the remaining $253.35 to go to water account. Council
Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the Resolution. Council Member Darwin Miller
second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
The Clerk-Treasurer, Abby Ewen and Breanna Wood will be going to the Clerk’s institute in Fort Wayne
March 19-22.
Old Business:
Robert Bellucci CommonWealth: Change Order No. 4 on the WWTP project has been finalized. I don’t recall if I previously sent it up for Cameron to sign, but just in case a copy is attached. This is for use of the remaining contingency funds to coat the floors and replace the cabinets in the lab / office building. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve CO 4. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion, Motion carried 4-0
Also attached is a copy of TCI’s final PPA that will need to be approved by the Council so KIRPC can then present it to the County. This will be the final pay application submitted for that project.
Lastly, I have attached an engineering invoice for the WWTP project that shows up as outstanding on my end. This includes:
CEI Invoice 54996 = $1,747.00 (Construction Engineering) Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve CO 4. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion, Motion carried 4-0
I received an update from F&K this morning indicating they are just waiting for a break in their schedule to mobilize and commence the remaining water utility work. As I receive their updates, I will continue to pass them along.
Darwin Covers for the street light poles.
Randy Mitchell WCED- Business attraction works with elected officials for the Commerce Park. He went on to mention that he worked with KIRPC from 2000-2022 and secured 11 grants for the town. The WCED has a grant that will help Annually $40,000.00 for matching grants. Worked with the Commissioners to get a $4,000,000.00 dollar grant for the wastewater project. For the past 11 years the town has given a donation of
$3200.00. This year they received $2200.00. Feels like there is something that they are not doing right. Council Member Michael Johnson said that he encouraged Randy to come to the meeting to talk with the Council. Randy requested that they receive the additional amount of $1200.00. Council Member Jerry Lietz said that he feels they should get the money. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to give the $1200.00 to WCED. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Clerk-Treasurer Pam Bennett said that if they are going to give WCED their money then it is only right that they give RWCDC their money as well. Sandy Miller let the Council know what is being done in Wolcott through RWCDC. Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to give $5500.00 to RWCDC. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Resident Betty Hoster: Asked if there could be something done about people parking the wrong way on Market St. Marshal Baer said that he had taken care of the issue in the past couple of days.
Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to adjourn. Council Member Michael Johnson Second the motion. Motion carried 4-0