Feb 21,2023
6:00 p.m.
Jerry Lietz, Kenny Burns, Darwin Miller, Rex Pearson, Janet Gross, Marilyn Maxwell, Bob Thomas, Breanna Wood, Jeff Province, Cameron Emond, Frank Zussman, Jarod Baer, Janell Hofstetter, Abby Ewen and Pam Bennett.
Absent: Michael Johnson
Opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Council Meeting:
Approve minutes or memoranda of the following meetings: Feb. 7,2023 Council member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the minutes. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Approve the Financials for Jan 2023 Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the financials. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- CO#3 is complete. Lights are up. CO#4 will be finished end of March or first of April.
Robert Thomas: Water/Street- Water is doing good. Clear well is finished. Need to have a pole removed.
Will call NIPSCO to remove the pole.
Marshal Baer: Town Marshal- Car is still in the shop. Will be tagging houses with no numbers on them
For safety personal.
Lori Bussell: Park Board-No report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director- No report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department- No report
Sandy Miller- RWCDC – No report
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC- No report
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- Passed out minutes and financials from the RWCDC
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- Presented House bill 1401. There are laws that are going to change
with the residential TIF program.
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- No Report
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- No report
Old Business:
David Hacker USDA: Can you verify that the $12,000 listed on line 7b of the attached Guide 5 will not be needed for its original purpose and can now be transferred to contingency. This will allow me to submit Change Order 4 for approval.
The only other way is to get a written statement from EDA or White County saying they will commit another $10,344.18 in addition to the $7,296,000 they have already committed.
We need to show either transfer of funds to contingency or the commitment of more money. It’s the only way of following RD’s accounting guidelines for WEP projects.
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve moving $12,000 from 7b to Contingency. Council Voce president Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Robert Bellucci CommonWealth: Nothing to report
Darwin Covers for the street light poles. Darwin has called to get a quote. He hasn’t been able to get a hold of
Greg Schieder. Tabled until March 7th meeting.
New Business:
Resolution 2023-2-21 Transferring $48,640.00 from General to Water. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz Made the motion to approve the resolution. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Resident Frank Zussman came to discuss the trash company. The Council told Frank that the town doesn’t have control of the company. We are looking at the money aspect of the company. He was told that WM was wanting
to charge $19.00 a household. If you have two totes you will be charged double.
Council Member Rex Pearson made the motion to close. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0