Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
December 6, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Jerry Leitz
Darwin Miller
Jeff Province
Marilyn Young
Michael Johnson
Cameron Emond
Jarod Baer
Breanna Wood
Abby Ewen
George Mathew
Kenneth Burns
Sandra Gloss
Kenneth Burns
Pamela Bennett
Dustin Brettin
Randy and Susan Simms
Darrel Orans
Steve Young
Chelsie Williams
Jerilynne Hall
Bob Thomas
Open with the Pledge to the flag
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- Wastewater doing great. Getting quotes for a new lab.
Robert Thomas: Water/Street- Water is doing fine
Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal- Things are going well. Sold Car. Hired Officer Northcutt has been
Hired for Part time. The Marshal summitted the Noise Ordinance 17-2022 Council Member Darwin
Miller Made the motion to approve the ordinance, Council Vice Resident Jerry Lietz second the
Motion carried 4-0
Marshal also addressed sidewalks that need repaired around town.
Lori Bussell: Park Board- No Report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-No Report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department- Houses need numbers of them
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- No report
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC- She has been in contact with Brownfield and EDA
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- Monticello is getting a Papa John’s Pizza
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- No Report
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No report
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- The Christmas décor has been put up. The Christmas Bazaar
Had a 50/50 drawing. Main St gave $126.00, and the Girl Scouts gave $126.00n for the winner’s basket.
Bazaar made $1,000.00 toward the backpack program. The painting of the old liquor store has been
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- presented his contract for 2023. Council Member Darwin Miller made
The motion to approve Jacob’s contract. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion.
Motion carried 4-0
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Presented a transfer of fund resolution 2022-15. Transferring funds
From Water-to-Water construction in the amount of $76,731.65
Presented the 1782 budget approval. Need the Council to approve as well. Council Vice President Jerry
Lietz. Motion Carried 4-0. Pamela Presented the change in the ARPA guidelines to where elected officials
Can now get Essential workers pay as a bonus. The Council Tabled until the next meeting
Old Business:
Robert Bellucci CommonWealth: No Report
Trash bids: There were two bids turned in for approval. Waste Management Summitted a bid for $16.75 a
Household. One Point trash removal bid $13.00. After very little discussion Council Member Darwin Miller
Made the motion to approve the bid from One Point trash removal. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Ken Smith: Ken is working on a street grant for the town. He presented an assets report for all streets. Needed Council approval. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the assets report. Council member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Joe Rogers presented an amendment to Solar farms. It was discussed about taking up so much farm ground.
Council Member Darwin Miller voiced his concern about how the batteries are deposed. The setback must be at least 1 mile. Council member Michael Johnson made the motion to amend the ordinance. Council Vice president second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Angel Tree Donation of $500.00. Council member Darwin Miller made the motion to donate $500.00 to the angel tree program. Council Vice President second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
New Health Insurance plan approval: Council member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the new Health insurance for the town employees. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Resident Susan Sims: asked That her alley be maintained by the town. President Cameron Emond told her that it will be taken care of in the spring of 2023.
Chelsie Williams: Wanted the Council to know that one of her neighbors has his simi parked in his drive. Wanted to know if this was allowed on Fox Street. They can have their Simi parked in their driveway. Jarod is going to check it with the noise level tool.
Will the feed mill have to abide by the noise ordinance? Businesses are going to be an exception. This ordinance is mainly for stereos, dogs and vehicles.
Snow ordinance to be discussed at the next meeting.
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to adjourn. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0