Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
December 20, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Present: Absent:
Jerry Leitz Michael Johnson
Darwin Miller Rex Pearson
Jeff Province
Marilyn Young
Cameron Emond
Jarod Baer
Breanna Wood
Abby Ewen
George Mathew
Sandra Gloss
Pamela Bennett
Steve Young
Bob Thomas
Joe Rogers
Jerilynn Hall
Betty Hoster
Janell Hoffsteder
Kenny Burns
Open with the Pledge to the flag
Approve Financials for December 2022. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the Financials. Vice president Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- The Security Lighting is being installed.
Robert Thomas: Water/Street- The Chlorine pumps have been changed
Marshal Jared Baer: Town Marshal- No report
Lori Bussell: Park Board- No Report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-no report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department- Getting ready for the snow
Sandy Miller- RWCDC and Food Pantry- No Report
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC- No report
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC- No Report
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- No Report
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report
Marilyn Young: Main St Committee- No Report
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Presented an ordinance, 2022-12-9, encumbrance of funds. In the
Amount of $114,258.06
Old Business:
Joe Rogers Area Plan: Presented a memorandum of agreement for the Town’s Strategic Plan. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the Memorandum. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Robert Bellucci Common Wealth: Would the approval to use F&K Construction to finish the water projects.
Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to hire F&K to finish the water project. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Essential Workers Pay: The Council can give out essential worker pay for workers that worked during Covid.
It was recommended by President Cameron Emond to give, the Ambulance Dept and Fire Station, $10,000.00 Each to split with the Volunteers. Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion for the ambulance and fire to get $10,000.00 each of essential workers pay bonus. Council member Darwin miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
SBOA has opened the essential worker bonus for elected officials to be entitled to the bonus as well.
Clerk-Treasurer Pamela Bennett asked for her bonus as she worked through the pandemic. Vice President Jerry Lietz said he is of the opinion that elected officials should not get raises or bonuses. When you are elected you know what you are going to make. Council Member Darwin Miller said, “you already got a raise.” Clerk-Treasurer Pam Bennett tried to tell Darwin that this is not a raise but a bonus. Pam made the statement that she is the only worker that isn’t getting a bonus, how fair is that? Vice President Jerry Lietz said again that “it is his opinion that Elected officials should not get raises or bonuses.” He said “it is nothing personal.” Again, Darwin said “you already got a raise.” Pam said again, “this is not a raise it is a bonus.” Things got heated at this point. It ended with Pam not getting her bonus.
Street grant: There are 10 streets that need to be repaired and to ADA Compliance. It was also mentioned that the town needs a crossing guard, and the crossways need to be painted. After a lot of discussion Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve only the streets at this time. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Election of Council Officers: Vice President Jerry Lietz nominated President Cameron Emond to stay as President. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion for Cameron Emond to stay President.
Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Vice President: Council Member Darwin Miller nominated Jerry Lietz to remain as Vice President. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion for Jerry Lietz to stay as vice president. President Cameron Emond second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Dedicated Newspapers: New Wolcott Enterprise and The Herald Journal. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to keep these newspapers. Vice President Jerry Lietz Second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Dedicated Bank: Bank of Wolcott Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to stay with BOW.
Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Department Head approval:
A. Bob Thomas, Water & Street Department Supt.
B. Jeff Province, Wastewater D Ken Burns, Chief, Wolcott Volunteer Fire Dept.
C. Steve Young, Director, Wolcott Ambulance Service
D. Lori Bussell, Wolcott Park Board
E. Jerod Baer, Town Marshal
F. Kenneth Burns, Fire Chief
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to retain the current department heads. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Approval of membership in the following organizations:
· Indiana Association of Cities & Towns (IACT).
· Indiana League of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers (ILMCT) and International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
· Indiana Rural Water Alliance
· American Water Works Association.
· Alliance Rural Water
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay the annual dues. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Certifications of Elected Official to the Executive of the Town of Wolcott on Compliance with Municipal
Nepotism Policy Applicable to Contracting. Nepotisms are signed
Representatives for
KIRPC: Janell Hofstetter
WCED: Michael Johnson
RWCDC: Darwin Miller and Michael Johnson
Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to approve these representatives. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Donations: Main Street $6500.00
4th of July Festival $2500.00
RWCDC: $2000.00
WCED: $2000.00
Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to give these organizations donation. President Cameron Emond second the motion, Motion carried 2-0. Council member Darwin Miller couldn’t vote to do conflict of interest.
2023 Council Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
January 3, 2023
January 17,2023
February 7,2023
February 21,2023
March 7,2023
March 21,2023
April 4,2023
April 18,2023
May 2,2023
May 16,2023
June 6,2023
June 20,2023
July 5,2023
July 18,2023
August 1,2023
August 15,2023
September 5,2023
September 19,2023
October 3,2023
October 17,2023
November 8,2023
November 21,2023
December 5,2023
December 19,2023
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion for the Council Meeting dates. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to adjourn. Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 3-0