Town of Wolcott Council Meeting
July 5,2023
6:00 p.m.
Town Hall
101 W North St.
Present: Bob Thomas, Rex Pearson, Jerry Lietz, Michael Johnson, Pam Bennett, George Mathew, Darwin Miller and Jeff Province. Jared Baer, Larry Klink, Cameron Emond. Remey Richarson and Judy Thomas. Breanna Plantenga, Janet Gross, Ken Smith, Bill Madden, Janelle Hofstetter, and Bob Gerber. Cole Kestler, Rodney Urbano, Sam Hinkle, Phil Brandt, and Mike Dexter.
Absent: Jacob Ahler
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Public Meeting: Water rates: It has been suggested to raise the water rates by 75% and raise stormwater rates $2.00. Council Member Michael Johnson made the proposal to raise the water by 3.125% a month for 2 years. Residents Bob Gerber, Ramey Richardson and Judy Thomas asked a lot of great questions.
After a lot of discussion, it was decided to table this topic until the July 18th meeting.
Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to table this topic until the July 18th meeting.
Council Member Darwin Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Council President Cameron Emond adjourned the public meeting.
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting
Open Council Meeting:
Approve minutes or memoranda: June 20,2023 Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Approve the Financials:
1. Department Heads reports:
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater-No Report
Robert Thomas: Water/Street-Generator kept running after NIPSCO came. It will be fixed as soon as the part comes in. The bob cat will go to be serviced Aug 7th.
Marshal Baer: Town Marshal- Frank |Zussman is asking for more lighting on the corner of Davis and North. The Marshal is down to one car again. The Torus is still in the shop. The new truck is down due to damage by a animal. The Marshal is in need of a new car. Marshal Jaceb is looking for quotes for a new car.
Lori Bussell: Park Board-No Report
Steve Young Sr: Ambulance Director-No Report
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department-No Report
Sandy Miller: RWCDC-No Report
Janell Hofstetter: KIRPC-No Report
Michael J Johnson: WCEDC-There were 12 leads in May and 11 leads in June. They are looking at 11 leads that will need minimal acres. These jobs will be good paying jobs for our community.
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee- Meeting next week.
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee- No Report
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee- Mannequins will be taken down this week. Potheads will be put out. There is a chicken noodle dinner coming up. BOW is having a computer recycling drive and there will be a donation box for the Wolcott Main St.
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney- No Report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer- Do an additional newsletter since there is so much going on.
Conference was good, A lot of changes in legislation, Statutes, Codes and Procedures.
Old Business:
Bids for paving: There were two bids submitted. Town and Country bid $680,019.25. They will be finished with the project 60 days after the bid is awarded. Central Paving bid 1,023,907.25 and projected finish will be
May 2024.
Engineer Ken Smith asked the Council to take these bids under advisement. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to take the bids under advisement. Council Member Rex Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
BSM- Right of way at 1532 900 W. Need for information to decide.
TIF Board: The President is choosing. Pam Bennett, Michael Johnson, and Shay Balchunas. The Council Chooses Two They have them in mind but have not had a chance to talk to the two as of yet.
New Business:
INARI: Phillip Brandt the Sr Director Commercial Accounting and Operations. Mike Dexter Site Manager and Stephen Fields Project Engineer. Purchased Prairie Seeds. INARI is a seed research company. The business started in 2016. There are going to be 8 full-time employees and not sure, currently, how many part time employees they will need. Wages are averaged at just under $100,000.00. INARI is wanting to connect into the town water and sewage system. They are asking for a cost-sharing agreement with the town.
Ken Smith: Proposed we hire him for the Community Crossroads Grant. The amount will be $32,500.
Council Member Darwin Miller made that motion. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Resident’s comments: Please keep it to 5 minutes.
Resident Remey Richardson: Remey wanted to know why the Golf Carts can’t be on the sidewalks? He said that it was in the ordinance. Marshal Jared Baer told Remey that the ordinance was amended. He gave Remey an amended ordinance.