Town of Wolcott
101 W North St
Town Hall
April 5,2022
Cameron Emond, Council President Jerry Lietz, Council Vice President
Darwin Miller, Council Member Michael Johnson, Council Member
Rex Pearson, Council Member Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater
Robert Thomas: Water/Street Marshal James Herre:
Kenneth Burns: VFD Jenell Hofstetter, Resident
Michelle Earney: SFC Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney George Mathew: Resident
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer Rob Bellucci: CommonWealth
Darrell Orns, Resident Jason Stoller, Resident
Autumn Stoller, Student Marilyn Young, Main St Committee
Emily Albaugh, KIRPC Joe Rogers, WCAP
Jerrilyn Hall, WCAP Ashley Ford, Student
Robin Schneidt, Resident Heaven Wyatt, Student
Faith Chamberlain, Student John Ward, Resident
Debbie Cooper, Resident Mark Bachman, Resident
Breanna Wood, Utility Clerk Abby Ewen, Deputy Clerk
Opened with the pledge to the flag.
Cameron Emond, Council President opened the Public Meeting.
Emily Albaugh KIRPC: The Town is applying for a Comprehensive Planning Grant.
The Council will be looking a head 10 years and executing the plan. Emily Announced that there is a survey
On the town web-site so the residents can give ideas and what they would like in future.
The Grant is for $48,600.00 With the Town matching at $5,400.00.
The grant will be awarded May 19,2022. Emily Albaugh presented a resolution for the town to approve for the grant. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the resolution for the grant. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion Carried 5-0
Council President Cameron Emond opened the Council Meeting.
Approval of the February Minutes.
Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to approve the March minutes. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Approval of the Financials:
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to approve the March financials. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion passed 4-1 Council Member Rex Pearson was not able to look at the financials so he voted Nay
Jeff Province: Wastewater/Stormwater- New plant is on schedule and going well.
Robert Thomas: Water/Street: Everything is ok. Had to replace a filter at the water plant
Town Marshal Jim Herre: Marshal Herre turned in a letter of intent to retire as of May 1,2022. Announced that the I-65 Murder has been solved.
Kenneth Burns: Volunteer Fire Department: NIPSCO is not going to repay for the damage at the fire station. NIPSCO is calling it an act of God.
Jenell Hofstetter KIRPC: Nothing to report
Jerry Lietz: Area Plan Committee: Nothing to report
Michelle Earney: Summer Festival Committee: Wants a letter sent to Amber Farrington, of Roots, to let her know that the beer garden has been approved.
Marilyn Maxwell: Main St Committee: There will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the Community Building April 16,2022 @ 1:00. The Main St will be doing a Blessing of the Motorcycles and Trike’s for a safe summer.
Jacob Ahler: Town Attorney: Nothing to report
Pamela Bennett: Clerk-Treasurer: There is a Free seminar with the Treasurer of State. It is Middlebury, IN.
The town will pay for food and mileage. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay for the food and Mileage. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Ordnance 2022-4-4 Establishing trash pick up regulations: Guidelines for Trash Totes to be put away.
Second Reading. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to adopt Ordnance 2022-4-4.
Council Member Vice Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion was 2-2 Council Members Rex Pearson and Michael Johnson were against. This left Council President Cameron Emond to break the tie. He voted for the ordnance. Motion then carried 3-2.
Robert Bellucci CommonWealth: Robert Presented invoices 9-10 for the wastewater construction project.
Invoice 9 in the amount of 362,425.00. Invoice 10 in the amount of $427,867.65. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to accept these Invoices and to pay them. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Robert said that KDM turned in an invoice that was not itemized. Robert will be sending another invoice soon.
Resident Janell Hofstetter asked Robert about the water line being put in on her property. Robert said he will look into the matter
Robert Bellucci has offered to do our water audit at no cost to the town. Council Member Jerry Lietz made the motion for CommonWealth to do the town’s water audit, at no cost to the town. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Alliance Rural Water: Chad Reynolds came to our February meeting to talk to us about an Emergency Alert System. The Council wanted time to read all the material. The emergency alert system will be of no cost to the residents of The Town of Wolcott. Every household can get either a text. Email or phone call of the alerts. After reading all the material Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to get an emergency alert system. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Alliance Rural Water: Nexpay system. With the Nexpay System the Residents will be able to pay online
With either a Check, Debit Card or Credit Card. The fees are lower the that of PayGov. The residents can pay their bill 24/7. Council Member Jerry Lietz made the motion to change from Paygov to Nexpay. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
There is a windfarm going in on the northside of the Town of Wolcott. This is slated to start in late summer.
Joe Rogers White County Area Plan: Amendment to A#68 and A#69. A#68 Amusement and Entertainment zoning. It has been made that there will be no set back for the residence on the lakes. It is also changing that public parking of stone will need to be pavement. A#69 the height of the peak of the garages and storage barn. The height needed to be higher due to storing of boats and RV’s. The height is changed from 19’ to 25’ at the peak. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to accept the Amendment to A#68 and A#69. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Joe Roger presented new maps for the Town of Wolcott. The Council looked over the maps and with very little discussion. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to accept the new maps. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
The Marshal department is in need of a new vehicle. Deputy Marshal Jarod Baer found a new truck for $28,399. After very little discussion, Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to buy the new truck for the Marshal’s Department. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Alliance Rural Water internship: The town has the opportunity to send Jeffrey Province to the internship. This is a two-year program. When Jeffrey has completed the course, he will be certified and licensed for the water plant. He will continue to strive for his wastewater license. The town will be paying for a laptop for this course and all of Jeffrey’s books. Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to send Jeffrey to the internship. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Bob Thomas is going to Indianapolis for training April 12-15. The town is to pay the hotel and food. Council Member Darwin Miller made the motion to pay for the hotel and food. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
The town needs to take Council Member Michael Johnson off the checking account. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to remove Michael Johnson off the checking account. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Resolution 2022-9 Transfer of Funds: Water Construction to Water Fund the amount of $12160.00
This resolution is to reimburse water for the paying of an invoice for Water Construction project.
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to transfer funds from Water Construction to Water.
Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Resolution 2022-11: Proceeds of the town’s grant from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
The Proceeds have not as yet been delegated. Council Vice President Jerry Lietz made the motion to Accept the Resolution. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Resident Mark Bachman: Mr. Bachman is having Brown water from time to time. He did show the Council a picture of the water. He said that this has been going on since his meter was fixed. Mr. Bachman asked that we get an auto reply of receiving emails. Mr. Bachman was answered with a phone call and not an email.
Resident George Matthews: Mr. Matthew is wanting stop signs at both end of Homer Lane. There is a stop sign on Waterworks Lane so the trucks will stop and not pull out in front of someone. He was wondering why the drains were not cleaned out and the sticks picked up. Bob was going to check on this the next day.
There is a boat tied up behind the Gorney’s. George wanted to know if the town owned a boat? The town does not own the boat it belongs to the Gorney’s. Goerge also inquired about the Wright business behind the bank. There is a lot of equipment and items on the property. Marshal Herre said that it is zoned business and there is not a thing the town can do about the property.
Council Member Michael Johnson made the motion to adjourn. Council Member Darwin Miller second the motion. Motion carried 5-0