Council Meeting
April 16, 2024
Present: Council Vice President: Michael Johnson
Council Members: Darwin Miller, Betty Hoster, Rex Pearson
Clerk Treasurer: Judy Thomas, Deputy Clerk: Karie Holder
Water Superintendent: Robert Thomas
Street Department: Vince Hall
Other: Pam Jordan, Carey Jordan, Steve Young, Lori Bussell, Kenneth Burns, Ken Smith, Janell Hofstetter, Larry Klink, Susie Minnear.
Absent: Council President: Cameron Emond, Waste Water Superintendent: Jeff P Province, Utility Clerk: Breanna Plantenga, Town Marshal: Jared Baer
Council Vice President Michael Johnson opened the council meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The April, 2 2024 meeting minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the Council Meeting minutes for April 2. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
The April 2024 financials were presented for approval. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the April 2024 financials. Council Member Betty Hoster second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province was absent Robert Thomas reported that the digester has been drained, and Jeff has ordered 12 new diffusers for the plant.
Water Superintendent Robert Thomas reported that there were some electric issues with generator kicking off mid process, Robert had Greg Schneider electric come and fix the generator. A resident discussed their concerns with brown water. Robert reported that he is backwashing on Tuesday’s and Friday’s between 8:00 am and 11:00am.
Lori Bussell, Park Board, reported the restrooms are now open every day 7:00 am – 10:00 pm. They are getting lights fixed at the restrooms with motion lights on inside and new outside security light. Lori reported they will be doing some work on the north open shelter to fix it up. The windmill company is helping with dirt and gravel around the new asphalt at the park.
Council member Rex Person arrived at this time.
Kenneth Burns, fire chief, reported that he had a high-pressure hose 530ft replaced on unit#5. Kenny reported there were no major issues during the solar eclipse. Robert Thomas reported that he would like to thank Kenny and the fire department for coming to the waste plant and spraying down the digester.
Vice President Michael Johnson reported that senior café will be April 17 and they will be serving pulled pork and playing bingo.
Janell Hofstetter, Mainstreet Committee, reported there will be a Ladie’s Tea on May 18th, at 2pm. Tickets are available for purchase. Town wide garage sales will be May 3rd and 4th. Blessing of the bikes will be May 4th at 1:00 pm at the Methodist Church.
Summer festival committee will be having the fish fry at the community building on April, 19.
Clerk Treasurer, Judy Thomas, announced that she has received complaints of cats running loose. Judy announced that newsletters were sent out. Judy, Breanna, and Karie will be meeting tomorrow with KIRPC to discuss the grant process. Judy mentioned concerns of trash pick-up along the highway with the construction going on, she will contact the trash company to inform them of the issue. Judy requested an executive meeting to discuss financials from previous administration, she was advised that Council President Cameron Emond would have to call for the executive meeting.
Pam Jordan asked if Council Vice President Michael Johnson went to the drainage board meeting to bring up concerns over a ditch in town. Michael did tell them at the drainage board meeting about the concerns with the ditch. It was stated that concerns and complaints regarding the ditch can be faxed to the Commissioner’s office and the drainage board. Another resident expressed concern about corn getting into the ditch and has nowhere to go. A resident also spoke about concerns with the recycling being near the ditch and cardboard ends up in the ditch. We are working on getting recycling moved to a different location. Michael Johnson said he will inquire further into the concerns over the ditch.
Ken Smith presented the Council with the grant for paving project, the total project cost will be $453,727.00 the grant will be for $340,295.25 and The town of Wolcott’s share is $113,431.75. The proposed fee to facilitate the grant process is 5% fixed fee not to exceed $25,000. Council Member Darwin Miller made a motion to approve the grant for the streets. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Janell Hofstetter asked if there was a closing date for bids on the pocket park. She stated that the add placed in the paper did not include a closing date. It was decided that the closing date for bids would be May, 6 before the next Council meeting. Karie will make sure the add in the paper gets updated to include the closing date.
Meeting adjourned.