Council Meeting
November 21, 2023
Breanna Plantenga, Abigail Ewen, Rex Pearson, Jerry Lietz, Cameron Emond, Michael Johnson, Sandra Gloss, Ken Smith, Mark Bachman, Betty Hoster, Steve Young, Jeff Province, Robin Foley, Leroy Simon, Janet Gross, Janell Hofstetter, Jared Baer, Judy Thomas, and Kenneth Burns.
Council Member Darwin Miller, Town Attorney Jacob Ahler, and Clerk Treasurer Pamela Bennett.
Council President Cameron Emond opened the meeting with the pledge. The November 8th Minutes were presented for approval. Council Member Rex Pearson made a motion to approve the November 8th Council Meeting minutes. Council member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
The financials were presented for approval. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion to approve the financials. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Province reported that the everything at the Wastewater Plant is going well.
Town Marshal Jared Baer reported to the Council that the Ford Explorer, driven by Deputy JR Northcutt, is going to need to be replaced. Marshal Baer stated that he got an estimate for $48,000 for a new Ford Explorer and is currently waiting on an estimate from Dodge. Marshal Bear presented the idea of purchasing a new vehicle before the end of the year and also stated that they will be selling the Taurus. Council Member Jerry Lietz made a motion to approve the purchase for a new police vehicle up to $43,000. Council Member Michael Johnson second the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
Janell Hofstetter reported that the Mainstreet Committee will be putting a manger scene under the electronic sign. Janell also reported that the Holiday Bazaar went well.
Council Member Jerry Lietz reported on behalf of the Area Plan Committee, that BP wants to put lines underground, in White County, that contain CO2. Area Plan is working on putting guidelines in place, in the even that this takes place. Jerry also reported that NIPSCO is almost done cutting down trees around town.
Ken Smith presented options on how to proceed with the contractor that was hired to do the streets and sidewalks in town. The contractor has not come back to finish what was started. Ken recommended either fining the current contractor $100/day until the job is complete, or hiring a new contractor to finish the job, if the current contractor has not finished by December 1st. Ken also presented a PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating System) report to be approved. This grant is due each year by December 1st. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion for Ken Smith to write that grant for the town. Council Member Rex Pearson second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Council President Cameron Emond read the 2024 salary ordinance. The salary ordinance will need to be read two more times before approval.
Judy Thomas, future Clerk Treasurer, stated that she will be going to two Clerk classes in December, and to the Newly Elected Officials conference in January. Better Hoster, future Council Member, will also be going to some of these classes, as well. Judy also stated that she will be training with current Clerk Treasurer, Pamela Bennett, for one hour on December 29th. Council Member Michael Johnson made a motion for the Town to pay for the classes. Council Member Jerry Lietz second the motion. Motion passes. 3-0.
The Council discussed that the first meeting of the year will be on January 9th, due to the New Year holiday.
Council President Cameron Emond adjourned the meeting.